What's The Best Strategy Of Expanding The Popularity Of A Facebook Business Page?


I made new Facebook page don't known where to put efforts , Kindly someone help me to known best startegy for Facebook growth ?

2 Answer

According to Facebook Page Marketing Expert, There are some tips, which will help you to famous your Facebook page:

  1. Be consitent and on time
  2. Try to ask questions in your post or story
  3. Post good photos on occassion
  4. Share the content with your friends
  5. Optimize your Facebook page’s SEO

Apply all these steps but remember it will time taking process, so you'll have to patience.

If you want to increase your Facebook page likes on your page then there is an easy way to collect it.

I have given many answers to this question so now I am going to answer again.

  • Invite all your Facebook friends.
  • Join more groups relevant to your business or brand.
  • Do 2-3 posts daily on Facebook.
  • Use trending and popular hashtags when posting on the page.
  • Do not use more than 5″ hashtags.
  • Create a beautiful page, cover page, profile image HD must be a work of art.
  •  use the call to action button.


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